Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Short People

Nobody has written on here in a while.  So, I will.  Last night was a lot of fun.  It was one of the most fun nights I've had in a long time.  My friend Rachel was always disapointed for me that my living situation wasn't the way that shared housing should be.  We were soured and frustrated with each other and we had to share such a small space in a country in which we didn't speak the language.  It was kind of hard most of the time, but I learned a lot.  I learned to never sit back and let something bother you because the other person might not be aware that they are doing anything.  I had a lot of festering bitterness toward Ilana and Luke and I eventually realized how harmful that can be.  I cleaned up after Ilana to spite her most of the time and that's just weird and passive.  I also learned that "passive" is an American infliction and people of all of the other countries that I met, will openly and honestly tell you if you are bothering them and will do so from the minute they meet you but still be your best friend.   Especially the Germans.  Those are some honest people right there.  Strangers will correct you if don't know to stand on the right on an escalator.

Anyways, I guess one important thing is to realized that we're friends, but also roommates and sometimes they need to be separate interactions.  Can we just talk as roommates for a minute or two and then switch back over to friends?  I just don't want any bitterness when honesty can prevent it.  Even if honesty has to come at 3 in the morning and ends with "I love you man."  I'm okay with that.

I love living with you guys.  This is going to be a fun year full of love and long nights full of good music and Randy Newman impressions.  

PS Check out the photos I posted on facebook.

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